
How Canadians opened their hearts to refugees

From one hell to another: Family fled Laos to live in miserable conditions here

Hearts of Freedom on radio |CBC Ottawa Morning Show

Hearts of Freedom at the Metropolis conference

Hearts of Freedom at the uOttawa Humanizing Migration conference

Carleton Preserving Emotional Refugee Stories

Hearts of Freedom: Dr. Stephanie Stobbe and team awarded major funding for nation-wide research

The Hearts of Freedom Project

Hearts of Freedom at the Vietnamese New Year in Edmonton – Ottawa – Montreal – Toronto

Hearts of Freedom at the UNHCR Working Group Meeting on Resettlement and Complementary Pathways

Fifty Years Ago This Spring: Millions of Students Struck To End a War in Vietnam

Heritage Minutes: “Boat People” Refugees

Réponse canadienne à la crise des réfugiés de la mer

The man who delivered the ‘boat people’

A letter from Katie Prentice

Flora!: A Woman in a Man’s World

The Secret History of a Filmmaker’s Family in “No Crying at the Dinner Table” | The New Yorker

Life at The Refugee Camp: The Henry Neufeld Photo Collection.

Sponsors and Donors for Museum Exhibition: Hearts of Freedom – Stories of Southeast Asian Refugees

Hearts of Freedom – Stories of Southeast Asian Refugees.


BC Premiere of Passage to Freedom – April 29th, 2023

Greater Victoria Public Library Hosts Travelling Exhibition: Hearts of Freedom

Artifactuality Podcast: Hearts of Freedom – A new perspective on Southeast Asia’s refugee crisis

Exhibition Opening at the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 – August 22nd, 2023

Hearts of Freedom Exhibition at Manitoba Museum