HOF162: Linh Minh Ho

Linh Minh Ho was enlisted as a pilot during the Vietnam War. After the fall of Saigon, he chose to leave the country, concerned about the future of his children. He tried to find an aircraft to fly out of Vietnam but was unsuccessful. As an alternative, the family decided to hop on a commercial boat.

Once the family arrived in Guam, they stayed there for a month and a half. Later, they were brought to a military camp in the state of Pennsylvania in the U.S. Although he was entitled to apply for asylum in the United States, he chose to go to Canada instead. He discovered that his chances of working as a pilot in northern Canada were substantially better, so he settled there and quickly obtained a pilot’s license.

Linh Minh pursued a career as a helicopter pilot for several years in Canada and was pleased to settle permanently in the country with his family.