Distressed by the withdrawal of rights and freedoms imposed by the Communist regime, Inpone Luangaphay escaped Laos by crossing the Mekong River. He and his friend fled at night being careful to keep their plans to themselves. They filled plastic bags with air, using them to float across the Mekong River. Upon their arrival in Thailand, his friend decided to go back as he missed his family.

Inpone was determined to gain his freedom. Eventually, he was apprehended by Thai soldiers and placed in prison for illegally entering the country. He was soon released and directed to the Nong Khai camp where he met his wife. During their stay in the camp, the couple was approved for sponsorship to Canada.

Today, Inpone takes pride in participating in Lao community activities and supporting his Church. Together, his community looks forward to celebrating their Lao culture in Canada.

Note to Researchers

A consent form was signed by each of the interviewees whose videos are posted here on the website. They have each consented to making the video available to the public and they have consented to the use of the contents of their videos by the Hearts of Freedom project researchers. Consent is not available to external researchers to quote or publish from it. Researchers interested in the subject have the opportunity to view a documentary film, Passage to Freedom which has been completed and is available through a distributor https://www.mcintyre.ca/ Researchers from the project are in the process of completing a full length book based on the interviews. Once this book is available researchers will have the opportunity to review it and to refer to it for research purposes.